Monday, September 28, 2015

Week 7: Keeping a TIL Log

While Reddit is a website whose users are often torn between their best intentions and worst impulses — with the latter often winning out — one of the site's more charming subreddits is r/todayilearned. On TIL, redditors share . . . wait for it . . . things that they've newly discovered that day, and these can range from the highbrow to the lowbrow, serious to frivolous. A few from today's front page:
While this is largely about the joy of trivial knowledge I think there's an important idea underscoring the practice: namely being mindful of our own processes of learning (and specifically, what and where we learn).

Towards that end, and in preparation for the work we'll be doing in the semester's second half, I'd like all of you to log one thing that you learn daily from Monday to Friday of next week. I'll put up a post on our Facebook group and you'll all comment on that post with what you learned. Take note you don't need to go into great detail — basically a headline-style summary is fine — but you need to cite your source (either as a link or just stating what it is). As an example, here's something I learned this morning:
TIL that the US Postal Service Creed ("Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds") is taken from Greek historian Herodotus [source: X-Factor #31 (1988)]

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